Is a Latex Mattress Good for a Bad Back?
Are Latex Mattresses Good for a Bad Back?
Latex mattress have the ability to conform to your body curves better than any other type of mattress but more importantly because latex is made of rubber it has a push back characteristic that also provides unequaled support to the small of your back which is where most back pain is caused. Obviously with all that being said the answer is YES, latex mattresses are good for a bad back.
Best Mattress for Bad Back or Back PainHow To Choose the Proper Firmness Latex for a Bad Back
- If you are a back sleeper then here are some guidelines for choosing the best firmness to support your bad back: 1 If you weigh less than 150 lbs. and sleep on your back primarily then I would choose a latex mattress in the medium range such as a #32 base core with either a medium or firm comfort layer.
- For those between 150 lbs and 200 lbs. I would choose a firm base core #36 and a medium comfort layer either 2 or 3″ in the #28-32 range.
- For those over 200 lbs. then both firm cores #36 and firm comfort layer between #32 and #36 would work best.
- For those with a bad back but are mainly side sleepers choose the above firmness choices for your weight class for the base core but drop the comfort layer choice down one notch. For example, someone under 150 would still choose the medium #32 core but a softer #19 or #28 for the comfort layer.
Another Reason Why Latex Mattresses are Good for Back Aches
Many side sleepers complain of back aches and that’s a result of improper support. It’s been shoved down our throats that firmer is better but yet that’s not necessarily so for side sleepers. If your hips and shoulders do not sink into the mattress enough you will have a bad curvature in your spine when you sleep. This is why choosing the right comfort layer is so important. It needs to be soft enough to allow your hips and shoulders to sink in enough to achieve a nice straight spinal alignment. Too firm and you will get that curve, too soft and you have the same problem. This is where latex outshines them all because it’s available in so many firmness choices that there is the right one for you somewhere in the mix. It’s important to put yourself in the hands of a professional who’s sold thousands of latex mattresses and has listened to customers and has solved back ache issues by the scores.
Chiropractors Recommend Latex Mattresses for Back Problems
We have scores of chiropractors not just in Phoenix but around the country who not only sleep on our latex beds but also send patients to us to help solve back problems. Often it’s a double edged sword because when we solve the back aches it kind of keeps the patient from visiting so often but yet they still do it. Nice to know there are still some ethics being practiced out there.
Improper back support is one of the major causes of back pain so it’s extremely important to choose the right mattress for your body type and latex is the only material I would choose knowing all the various mattress making components available today. Spring mattresses like memory foam can work for a while but they change rapidly due to inferior durability of the comfort materials. Latex is the one comfort material that will stand the test of time and not change rapidly like the polyfoams and fibers found in today’s mattresses. So if you suffer from a bad back or back problems please review this information and feel free to call us with any questions or help you might need in choosing the right mattress for your bad back.