Is a Latex Mattress Hot?
Are Latex Mattresses Hot to Sleep On?
As a mattress manufacturer who lives in Phoenix, AZ I can call myself qualified to answer the question “Do Latex Mattresses Sleep Hot”? The answer is NO! This is a lie put out there by everyone who doesn’t offer latex mattresses. Latex foam is open cell foam which allows body heat to dissipate throughout the mattress. One of the reasons you may see posts talking about how their latex mattress slept hot is because of them using a non breathable mattress pad or protector over the latex mattress. Well of course it’s going to sleep hot if you choke off the air flow which is exactly what waterproof mattress protectors do.
Latex Mattresses Sleep Cooler Than Other Types of Beds
If you want to talk about a mattress that sleeps hot just talk to a memory foam owner, especially the Tempur ones. Those people know what hot is. Now not all people are sensitive to the heat factor of memory foam but many are especially middle aged women who are discovering the joys of menopause. What you gals need is a bed that does not complicate an already complicated issue. I know first hand about this because my wife is right there with you and she would be the first one to run out of the hotel room once discovering the bed is made with memory foam ( yes that really happened). The one and only time she slept on memory foam she woke up the next morning in a puddle of sweat. She jumped out of the bed hysterically thinking she had wet the bed, well she did but it was perspiration and not pee. She said “why would anyone ever buy one of these”? Get me home to my latex mattress was her last remarks on that subject. Now when we travel it’s required to pack a Twin size latex topper to put over the hotel bed to insure we both get a good night sleep since I’m already a hot sleeper by nature and latex is the only thing I can sleep through the night on. We place it on the bed horizontal so it’s just big enough to catch both our hips and shoulders. Our latex pillows also travel with us so the only part of our bodies not on latex is below the knees.
What About Gel Infused Memory Foam Beds, Are They Cooler?
Yes, but only slightly, gel beads are shot into the memory foam liquid to create a little extra air flow but it’s still nowhere near the air flow of the open cell design of latex. It looks cool because it’s usually blue but that’s mostly just marketing to make you think that way. Look how far about the actual beads are, it’s an illusion because the memory foam is actually colored blue to make you think it’s a lot cooler but without the coloring you would see almost all white foam with scattered dots of blue gel beads.
Gel Infused Memory FoamSo if you find yourself waking up in a pool of sweat every night just crank the a/c down to 60 degrees and you’ll be fine. Another option would be a latex mattress topper over your existing bed or better yet just replace the whole thing with an all latex mattress that is cool to sleep on and is Not Hot!